
The Trotting Track of Mikkeli (Mikkelin ravirata)

The track is located in Mikkeli, Eastern Finland, about 2 km from the city centre of Mikkeli on the beautiful Kalevankangas forest area. The distance between Mikkeli and Helsinki is about 230 kilometres.

Because of its gentle curves the Track is the fastest in Finland and several world records have been made there. The biggest annual race is called St Michel, and the participants are the fastest horses of Europe who come to Mikkeli in order to make a new world record.

We offer special VIP-packages for the St Michel race (on 13th and 14th of July).
The VIP-packages include entrance to the track and VIP-area, high-class lunch and a drink. The VIP-package costs 100 euros/day.
For more information: [email protected]

Please contact us for more information, we are eager to help.
